The sturgeon (Acipenseridae) is an ancient fish species that has existed since the time of the dinosaurs. Unfortunately, today it is critically endangered and is on the verge of extinction.
Here are some interesting facts and ways we can help preserve this unique species:
Facts about Sturgeon:
Longevity: Sturgeon can live up to 100 years, and some species even longer!
Reproduction: It reaches sexual maturity late, often after its 15th year, making the recovery of populations slow and difficult.
Habitat: The sturgeon inhabits rivers and lakes, but for reproduction it migrates to freshwater reservoirs.
Historical significance: Sturgeon is valuable for its caviar (black caviar), which is a delicacy worldwide.
Habitat change: The construction of dams and hydropower plants interferes with the natural migration routes of sturgeons.
Overfishing: Illegal fishing for its valuable caviar and meat seriously reduces populations.
Pollution: Pollution of rivers and lakes destroys the habitats and food resources of the sturgeon.
How we can help:
Conservation support: Support organizations that work to conserve the sturgeon and its habitat.
Stopping illegal fishing: Inform yourself and report cases of illegal fishing on free emergency tel. 112 for Bulgaria.
Reduce pollution: Reduce the use of plastics and chemicals that pollute water bodies.
Let's work together for the conservation of this remarkable species and for the future of biodiversity in Bulgaria!